

what is the best time to go to Beijing
什么时候是去北京的最好时间? what time is the best time to go to beijing?



1、去北京旅游的英文去北京旅游的英文翻译:Travel to Beijing除此之外还可翻译为:1、A trip to Beijing2、To go to Beijing travel3、Goes to Beijing to travel举例:我想要去北京旅游。三种翻译表达方式:1、I want to go to Beijing for tourism.2、I want to have a trip to Beijing.3、I want to go to the Beijing traveling.2、英语翻译 去北京游玩的好时节是什么 ( )to visit Beijing一空可以填多个词3、“玩在北京”用英语怎么说最合适“玩在北京”用英语怎么说最合适?我觉得说成“Play in Beijing”不是很好啊~~~请指点~~~4、你觉得到北京旅行怎么样?用英语表示(2种)你觉得到北京旅行怎么样?用英语两种方式:1) How do you like travelling to Beijing?2) What do you think of traveling to Beijing?注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。



To Beijing is the best season of spring and summer望采纳、
spring and autumn is the best time to travel to beijing.


4,什么时候是去北京的最好时间 英语怎麽写

您好! 翻译为:When is the best time to go to Beijing? 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!
什么时候是去北京的最好时间? What time is the best time to go to Beijing?


I went to Beijing for travel last summer.I went to Beijing to travel last summer.I went to Beijing for a trip last summer.很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^
Last summer holidy,I travelled to Beijing.Last summer holidy,I had a tirp to Beijing.
i went to beijing for travel last summer.i went to beijing to travel last summer.i went to beijing for a trip last summer.很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^


你可以在五月或八月来北京旅游You can travel to Beijing in May or August.你可以在五月或八月来北京旅游You can travel to Beijing in May or August.
去北京旅行的经历(atriptobeijing) onsummerholidaymyparentstookmetobeijing.westayedathuabeihotel.onthefirstday,wewenttothegreatwall.thegreatwallisverylongandold.ithasmillionsofbricks.eachbrickisverybigandheavy.lotsofpeoplefromdifferentcountrieslikeclimbingthegreatwall. wefeltverytiredwhenweclimbedtothetopofthegreatwall. wealsowenttothepalacemuseum.thepalacemuseumhas9999palaces.ithasaverylonghistory.iboughtalotofsouvenirsofthepalacemuseum.whatnicepalacestheseare!ivisitedthepalacemuseumandfeltexcited.ifyouwanttoknowmoreaboutthepalacemuseum,youcangotobeijingandhavealook. thefollowingdays,wewenttothesummerpalace,tiantan,northlakeandxianghill.inowknowmoreaboutthehistoryofchina.ialsolikemodernbeijing.the2008olympicgameswillbeheldinbeijing. later,iwentbackwithmyparentsbytrain.ireallyenjoyedthetriptobeijing. ilikethistrip!

文章TAG:七八  八月  月份  北京  七八月份去北京好吗英语怎么说  