

来中国旅游英文,Travel to China。
you are to travel to china



oh,zhis is china ,it;s beautiful
Thank you






welcome,shampoo or haircut?欢迎洗头还是剪头,简单吧
hao are you
询问:can i help you? 问候:hao are you?或者是hao do you do?

5,修改病句 许多国外的旅游者到中国来

第一句应是重复啰嗦,到中国来那就应该是指外国人了,领会是指理解到事物中的道理,是针对道理而言 领略则有欣赏的意思,游玩游览一般用领略
1,语序是对的,你的可以,原句也可以。老师的意思“是国外的”和“到中国来”有重复的意思。 不过我觉得说病句有点牵强。2,第二句答案对的,领会好像通过旅游很难达到吧? 准确性的确是领略好。


welcome to china.Hope you have a pleasant jouney.
april, may, september and october are the peak tourist months at chinas most popular destinations when the weather is the most comfortable. prices drop a bit in the shoulder season, which runs from november through march and from june through august. however, the winter months are peak season for trips to chinas hainan island and to the northeast harbin for its world-famous ice-lantern festival. these months are also packed with new year holidays, chinese spring festival and other national or local happy fairs. summer months are great time to explore chinas far east-manchuria.  china has a continental and seasonal climate. most parts are in the temperate zone but southern areas are in the tropical or subtropical zone while northern areas are in the frigid zone. climates in different areas are complicated. for instance, northern heilongjiang province has a winter climate the year round without summer, while hainan island has a summer climate the year round without winter. the following is a reference table for tourists to prepare clothing on their trips.  ? spring: 10-22°c, western suits, jackets, sports coats, woolen jackets, long sleeve shirts and travel shoes.  ? summer: 22°c and above, t-shirts, short sleeve shirts, skirts, sandals, caps, rain wear.  ? autumn: 10-22°c, western suits, jackets, sports coats, light woolen sweaters, rain wear and travel shoes.  ? winter: 10°c or lower, overcoat, cotton clothes, lined coats. in very cold areas a cap, gloves and cotton-padded shoes are required.  上面是介绍中国 欢迎 你别说你不会说 welcome to ....
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