来源:整理 编辑:国内旅游 2025-01-08 15:21:43
1.国家政策决定 是主要因素2.国民生活水平提高,追求精神愉悦3.世界第一人口大国 13亿多 ,牵一发而动全身。4.、、、、、因为在十一的时候,很多的企业单位都会放假。人们有时间,人们长时间的工作会很愿意出去放松自己的心情。金融危机嘛,闲暇时间多了,没事就出来消遣喽,感受一下当地的人文风俗 我也很想走遍大江南北的哦~·因为大多数中小型私企根本没有带薪年假的福利制度。没有可以灵活掌握的假期,再加上五一法定假期只有3天,所以就大家都挤在十一黄金周出来旅游了呗。国家规定的节假日,难得放这么多天当然大家都出动了。中国本来人口就多,所以也不稀奇旅游景点就更不用提了,就趁着没有去过,当然要去见识一下了,难得享受一次
为什么中国这几年出国旅游人数增长比例快(Why China has been growing rapidly in recent yearschina tourismtourism in china is becoming increasingly popular as more and more people choose to vacation in the previously secretive country. the tourist market in china is of growing importance for various reasons. the booming tourist industry is not solely made up of international tourists wanting that unique vacation, but also it is becoming increasingly possible, due to rising levels of wealth, for chinese to vacation in their own country. the growth in international tourism to china is primarily due to the countrys process of opening up that has taken place since the seventies. its policies of reform and openness have allowed increasing numbers of people to vacation in china and caused chinas tourism industry to boom. china and its versatilitychinas versatility has had a dramatic effect on its popularity as a tourist destination. china offers a number of exciting places and sights, extending from the south, bordering vietnam, to the high north where the capital beijing is situated. china has many fascinating and varied landscapes to offer.when enjoying a vacation in china you can find subtropical white beaches on hainan, situated in chinas south, take to the ski slopes in the north or go shopping in one of the many metropolis such as beijing, shanghai and hong kong.chinas landscape is covered with mountainous terrain, perfect for climbing, hiking and extreme sports. it is rare for a country to have such a dramatic and varied landscape. the north where china borders with mongolia and in the west where it borders with tibet is especially mountainous. however, if rock climbing and skiing are not for you, it is also possible to go diving in the south near hainan. or if martial arts are your sport of choice you might be interested in visiting the monastery of shaolin. last but not least admirers of chinese culture can find in numerous places artifacts dating back to old china, perfect for anyone interested in the history of this fascinating country.to vacation in china means to become acquainted with an unimaginable wealth of different landscapes, gastronomic delights and different cultures and customs. it also means you have the opportunity to meet a very hospitable people, whose mentality differs in numerous aspects from that of westerners. a vacation in china is a good opportunity to take a break from a familiar home environment, and dive into a completely new world.china: vacation and economytourism is not only an important source of revenue, it also helps in developing society and building up friendship and communication between the chinese and foreign tourists, reaching far beyond ordinary aspects of tourism.facts and figures:in 1995 3,720 hotels offered accommodation to foreign tourists, in comparison to 2000 the number of hotels available for foreign tourists have increased to 10,481. however, this number slightly decreased recently. the total income from the tourism sector in china in 2006 amounted to 85.3 billion euros.
为什么中国的旅游人数增多 现在中国的经济不是不景气么十一双节旅游的人为什么还是这么多