

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: 我想让你来中国旅游。I want you to come to China to travel.希望我的回答对你有帮助。



Do you come to China to travel?orDo you come to China for a visit?祝你开心如意!
come to China for a trip?
Did you come to China for trvel?
You come to china for traveling?



你来中国是为了旅游吗.用英语Do you want to come to China to travel?
Do you come to China for traveling?
为您解答Did you come to China for travelling?
do you come to china to travel?ordo you come to china for a visit?祝你开心如意!



第一次回答可获2分,答案被采I want to pay a visit to china 纳可获得悬赏分和额外20分奖励。
i will tevell(试卷前面有这个单词)around china.
I would like to visit China
I want to visit China
i want to visit in(around) china .


你到中国来是为了工作还是旅游?Did you come to China for work or play?旅游可以意译为 play,工作则是 work、自己认真翻译的,有问题请追问、希望及时采纳—— ? 多谢 ⌒_⌒
翻译如下你到中国来是为了工作还是旅游are you coming to china for a job or a tour?
Do you come to China for work or travel?但是通常老外不会这么问,他们一般问:what is your purpose of traveling, business or pleasure?如果留意的话,在电影里经常出现这句话

6,你来中国是为了旅游或是教学或是做生意还是其它呢英语如何说 搜

如果你喜欢英语或者想学好英语,那么就请你千万不要错过我提供给你的唯一一个网站,你也不必去从别人给你提供的众多网站中大海捞针了。“澳洲广播电台(abc radio australia)英语学习”网站。澳洲广播电台是以独立客观的新闻、有关澳洲方方面面的报道及免费英语教学节目服务于亚太地区的国际广播电台。 下面我先介绍一下澳广免费英语教学节目课程设置的情况:1.留学澳洲英语讲座 2.商业英语3.旅游业英语4.澳大利亚广播英语讲座 5.金融英语 以上的五种针对性很强的课程全部配有mp3音频和pdf课文,并且提供免费下载,真正的免费哦!我的英语也是从这里学的,希望你也能喜欢这里!这里真的不错的。
Did you come to China for a trip, teaching as a teacher, business or for other various purposes?
What is your purpose of this Chinese trip,visiting,teaching,doing business or anything else?

文章TAG:为什么  什么  想来  中国  你为什么想来中国旅游英语  